Pan -Clear tablets are so fantastic because they are formulated with the compound AT-8, a powerful cleaning detergent that immediately breaks up sludge and slime.

Pan-Clear cleans sludge, scum and other accumulations in condensate drain pans and lines and eliminates most of the extra maintenance problems such as overflows and water damage caused by plugging condensate drains and pans

The continuous use of Pan-Clear tablets stop, eliminate, and prevent odors that start in untreated condensate drain pans.

Pan Clear tablets are easy to use, completely soluble, do not form any deposits in the pan or drain and are safe, non-toxic and non-corrosive

Room Air Conditioner • Fan Coils • Refrigerators • Vending Machines Humidifiers 

Hospitals • Kitchens • Food Preparation Areas • Food Processing Plants Schools • Nursing Home 

Each Pan Clear tablets will treat up to a I 1/2 ton unit 
for 4 to 6 weeks

Pan-Clear Air Conditioning Tablets

Part # 261 100 Tablet Jar         12 Jars per Case
Part # 261-B 1500 Tablet Jar       1 Jar per Case